Yada Yangxian Xishan (Guest Building) demonstration area uses Chinese-style garden architectural methods for overall design, introducing the scenery into the landscape and making the landscape a part of the scenery, which combines the nature, the architecture and the landscape into one. At the entrance, water cascading and lodgepole pines stand, decent and elegant. The atrium design is primitive simple with Zen’s real meaning. Modeled after Suzhou Liu Garden, the central water courtyard is aesthetic and poetic by borrowing landscape from nature. The outdoor space around yards uses lane layout where bamboos and water weaving through. The indoor space combines oriental Zen with modern aesthetics in a balanced manner, harmonious with the nature. The Guest Building has been officially open to the public on November 10th 2018. It veritably shows the artistic southern Yangtze River garden and the beautiful yard life at Yada Yangxian Xishan Project.