
Gaochun Graceland Organized Hot Sweat Workout


On the afternoon of June 26th, “Work Out Together, Neighbors!”hot sweat exercise was held successfully on the second floor of Lohas Center of Gaochun Graceland. About 20 sports enthusiasts in different age groups and professional fitness coaches got sweating and released energy.

At the beginning, all participants stretches the body following the coach in soft music. It helped them to stretch the body and get into the state as early as possible, improving the exercise efficiency.

The activity was made up of two parts, namely body combat and Zumba. Body combat was a kind of popular exercise combining boxing and aerobic exercise. Cool movements such as strike and splitting kick was help of pressure release, fat losing and body shaping with pop music.  

Zumba integrated various kinds of dance forms in South Africa, such as samba, cha-cha, Flamingo and tango. It did not require any dance basis. Players could enjoy joyful relaxation. With the guidance of coaches, participants were all of sweat. In such a hot summer day, they felt efficient fat burning and full and delightful sports passion.

In the trend of national exercise, sports enthusiasts gathered together due to the hot sweat exercise. By the exciting workout, both body and mind restarted joyfully. In the future, we will continue to promote the hot sweat life aesthetics, inspire and courage them to realize good life. In a healthier and more positive life style, meet better ourselves.