
Yada Yangxian Xishan | Infinite Beauty Born in Life-giving Spring Breeze and Rain


The spring was coming back. The message came when the drizzle entered the night with wind. Everything was alive with the arrival of rain. Yada Yangxian Xishan seemed to be a Chinese ink painting with dense colors.

The landscape of lake and mountain was dyed by rains. Clouds and mist rose like a fairyland. Charming scenery and misty rain created the artistic conception of Tang poetry and Song Ci.

Small flower buds on the branches of wintersweet took on the grace of rain. It could not help blooming, showing their excellence.

Lift eyes and look far. Misty rain was silky to dye the lake and mountain green. The wintersweet made the spring bright and beautiful. The spring landscape was not so strong. It was as elegant as a charming beauty.

It was like to travel in a painting that walking along the Destiny Bridge corridor. Enjoy the rain and flowers. The landscape changes with steps. Thousands of flowers rushed into sight. Abundance in limited space display an infinite nature.

Rain fell on the palms of hands, turning into a puddle of clear spring water. It awakened the thoughts and feelings on the regions south of the Yangtze River hidden in the bottom of the heart. In the murmur of rain, it is a kind of elegant interest and charm, walking with an umbrella, or wandering along a track in the wildness or sitting in a corridor.

The rain fell on the bluestone paved on the lanes. The rhythm of the rain sounded like a warm concern. When you looked down at the puddle of water next time, you would be reminded that one said to you, “The rain is the firework for you lit by the heaven”.

Two or three swans swam in the green water, relaxed and free. They whispered to each other, being enchanted in the rain. The glistening lake is far on the edge of sky. Annoyance was away quietly. Our mind got tranquil when watching them.

The rain wrote poem at Yangxian Xishan on the behalf of Yada. It was an integral part of the nature, revealing the veil of the landscape. It created the life, an ideal living space. It created the aesthetics for comfortable living. It was like life-giving spring breeze to build up a longing homeland full of spring sense.

Good rain knows the season. Anyone who experienced the rain should be confident that the seed of hope would be moistened. The seed sprouted quietly.

It could not be called a spring if there was no rain in the regions south of the Yangtze River. That was because the rain was regarded as the appointment of the spring. No one cannot stop taking a photo to record the moment of beauty.

Wintersweet was in the spring rain. How romantic! Let us go to Yada Yangxian Xishan for the poetic spring rain scene in the right season.